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AREA OF STUDY Biblical Studies (New Testament/Early Christian Literature) Bust of Hadrian (British Museum Exhibit)
EDUCATION Ph.D.,  University of Chicago Divinity School, 2003
M.T.S.,  Harvard Divinity School, 1992
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1986
(Classical Music: Violoncello)
2. Hebrew Scriptures
3. Christian Origins
4. History of Christianity: Ancient
DISSERTATION "Luke-Acts and the Rhetoric of History:
An Investigation of Early Christian Historiography”
DISSERTATION COMMITTEE Advisor: Hans Dieter Betz (University of Chicago)
Reader: Elizabeth Asmis (University of Chicago)
Reader: Hubert Cancik (University of Tübingen)
HONORS Book Panel Midwest SBL Feature, (February 2018); Seminar participant, Council of Independent Colleges Teaching Interfaith Understanding, DePaul University, June 18–22, 2017; Appointment Professor Extraordinary, Department Ancient Studies, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Stellenbosch University, 1 March 2016 – 28 February 2019; Full-year Research Sabbatical, 2015-2016; Lewis University Faculty Development Grant (Full Award + Dean’s Fund: 2015); Lewis University Faculty Development Grant (Full Award + Dean’s Fund: 2014); Lewis University Faculty Development Grant (Full Award + Dean’s Fund: 2013); Nomination, Rewards and Recognition (Faculty Category), Lewis University, 2012, 2014; Lewis University Faculty Development Grant (Full Award + Dean’s Fund: 2011); Lewis University Faculty Development Grant (Full Award + Dean’s Fund: 2010); Lewis University Summer Stipend (Highest Award: $600) (2010); Gerda Henkel Stiftung 2010, Conference Funding (€ 7.500); Lewis University Faculty Development Grant (Full Award: $697 + Dean’s Fund $350: 2009); Lewis University Summer Stipend (Highest Award: $600) (2009); Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellowship ($1300) (Summer 2010), Humboldt Universität Berlin ($6000) (Summer 2009); Lewis University Faculty Development Grant (Highest Award $1250: 2008); Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München ($50,000) (2006-07); Lewis University Faculty Development Grant (Highest Award: $1000: 2005); Junior Fellow, Martin Marty Center (1999-2000); Distinction on Qualifying Examinations (1999); Dorot Foundation Travel Fellowship, Combined Caesarea Expeditions (1999); Milo P. Jewett Prize for best paper in Biblical Studies in the Divinity School ($300) (1998 and 1999); Midwest SBL Student Paper Prize-Old Testament (1999); University of Chicago Century Fellowship (1996-2000)
PAPERS PRESENTED “Goodacre and the Gospels: Fatigue Theory and Q,” Chicago Society of Biblical Research [October 2017]; “Lexicography in Context: Didache 12 and the Roman Slave Trade,” University of Stellenbosch, August, 2017; “The Muratorian Fragment as Fraud,” Main Paper, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Pretoria, South Africa, August, 2017; “Down the Rabbit Hole with the Epistle of Barnabas,” Seminar Paper, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Pretoria, South Africa, August, 2017; 2 “The Second Sign? John 4:46b-54 in Light of Matthew 8:5-13 || Luke 7:1-10,” Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, Texas, November 2016; “Travelers as Christ-mongers in Did. 12:1-5,” Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, November 2015; “1 Clement and the Legacy of Paul,” Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, VU University Amsterdam (July-August 2015); “More Baptist Traditions & Q. The Question of Luke 7:31–35 || Matt 11:16–19,” presented at “Gospel Interpretation and the Q Hypothesis,” Conference, Roskilde, Denmark (June 21-24, 2015); “ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ as Sobriquet in the Undisputed Letters of Paul,” SBL annual meeting Midwest Region (February 2015); “First Resurrection Appearances and the Credibility of Ancient Apostles,” Invited Guest Lecture, NT Seminar, Loyola University Chicago (9/30/14); “How to Host an Effective Academic Conference,” Invited Panelist SBL annual meeting (2014); Review of Jason BeDuhn, The First New Testament: Marcion’s Scriptural Canon, Invited Panelist SBL annual meeting (2014); “Baptist Influence on the Johannine Jesus,” SBL annual meeting (2014); “Abraham J. Malherbe: “εὐκαίρως  καίρως”—A Man for All Seasons,” Christian Scholars Conference (June 2014); “Echo of A Whisper: The Uncertain Authenticity of Josephus’ Witness to John the Baptist,” Chicago Society of Biblical Research, Loyola University Chicago (April, 2014); “‘Sleeper, awake!’ Κοίμησις or Dormition in Luke and Acts,” Midwest SBL (2014); “‘Have I Not Seen Jesus our Lord?’ (1 Cor. 9:1c): Failure of the Markan Eyewitnesses as Pauline Propaganda,” “Instructional Strategies of the First Letter of Clement,” “Religion in Past and Present,” (presiding) SBL annual meeting (2013); “God in Transit: Luke Transfers Christianity to Athens,” Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense, Leuven, Belgium (2013); “Faithlessness of Eyewitnesses in the Gospels of Mark and Paul,” Midwest SBL (2013); “Reception of Paul in First Clement,” Chicago Society of Biblical Research (2013); “The Golden Calf in First Clement,” The Reception of Golden Calf Traditions in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: An International Conference, Loyola University Chicago (2012); “Paul’s Trip to Classical Athens in Acts 17,” SNTS Annual Meeting, Leuven (2012); “Maladies of the Soul: Crisis Preparation in Galen’s De Indolentia,” Christian Scholar’s Conference, Nashville (2012); Presidential Address, SBL annual meeting Midwest Region: “Maladies of the Soul: Crisis Preparation in Galen’s De Indolentia” (2012); “Galen’s De Indolentia,” SBL annual meeting (2011), Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Annandale-on-Hudson (2011), Early Christian Studies Workshop, Christian Scholar’s Conference, Malibu, CA (2011), University of Chicago (2010); “Principle, Power, and Purgation in the Letter to the Church in Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22),” Midwest SBL annual meeting (2011); “Embryology, Plant Biology and Divine Generation in the Fourth Gospel,” SBL annual meeting (2010); “ἐτυμολογία, dramatis personae and the Development of Early Christian Prosopography,” Conference: “Rise and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries C.E.” Berlin (2010) and SBL annual meeting, Midwest Region (2010); “Laudatio in Honor of Life and Career of Hans Dieter Betz,” Chicago Society of Biblical Research (2009); “Itinerary as Space: The Significance of Paul’s Stopover in Pisidian Antioch in Acts 13,” SBL annual meeting (2009); “Hebrews as Pseudepigraphon,” Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, Vienna (2009); “Epimenides Redivivus,” Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München (2009); “Epimenides Redivivus,” Humboldt Universität, Berlin, 2009; “The History and Significance of Pisidian Antioch in Acts,” SBL annual meeting, Midwest Region (2009); “Epimenides Redivivus,” Emory University (2009); “The History and Significance of Pisidian Antioch in Acts,” Turkey Travel Seminar, Yalvaç (2009); “God in Transit: Luke’s Transfer of Christianity to Athens,” SBL annual meeting (2008); “The Muratorian Canon as Fraud,” SBL annual meeting 2008; “John’s Practice of Immersion,” Symposium: Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism in Early Judaism, Graeco- Roman Religion and Early Christianity, Rome (2008); “Authorship and Prophecy in Hebrews,” SBL annual meeting, Midwest Region (2008); “Q: The Sayings of Jesus or John the Baptist?” Georg- August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, 2007; “The Anonymous Pseudonymity of Hebrews,” for conference: “Pseudepigraphie und Verfasserfiktion in frühchristlichen Briefen,” Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität, München, Germany (2007); “Hebrews: An Introduction to the Problem of the Postscript” (Paper #1) & “Authentication of Early Christian Texts: Heb 13:20-25 as Pauline Forgery” (Paper #2), 3 Universität Bielefeld, Germany (2007); “Authentication of Early Christian Texts: Heb 13:20-25 as Pauline Forgery,” Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany (2007); “The History and Significance of the Pauline Attribution of Hebrews,” Sozietät Meeting, Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität, München, Germany (2007); “The Value of De Historia Conscribenda Sit for Understanding Hellenistic and Early Roman Period Historiography,” for conference: “Die Apostelgeschichte im Kontext antiker und frühchristlicher Historiographie,” Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität, München, Germany (2006); “Authentication of Early Christian Texts: Heb 13:20-25 as Pauline Forgery,” SBL Annual Meeting (2006); “Authentication of Early Christian Texts: Heb 13:20- 25 as Pauline Forgery,” Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany (2006), The St. Andrews Conference on Hebrews & Theology, St. Mary’s College, University of St. Andrews, Scotland (2006) and the Midwest SBL Annual Meeting (2006); “Rejection in the West: A Reappraisal of Hebrews’ Early Reception History” Association of Chicago Theological Schools (New Testament) (2006); “Baptist Traditions and the Gospel of Mark” SBL Annual Meeting (2005); “Irony and Truth: The Value of De Historia Conscribenda and Verae Historiae for Understanding Hellenistic and Early Roman Period Historical Method” SBL Annual Meeting (2005); “Baptist Traditions and Q,” Association of Chicago Theological Schools (New Testament) (12/09/04); “Elijah Redivivus: Baptist Traditions, Transfiguratio and the Gospel of Mark” Early Christian Studies Workshop, University of Chicago (11/15/04) and Midwest SBL Annual Meeting, 2005; “The Son of Man in Q” Midwest SBL Annual Meeting (2004); “The Dawn from on High: Täufer Traditions and Q” SBL Annual Meeting (2003); “Appeals to the Miraculous in the Acts of the Apostles: Between Paul and Justin Martyr” Midwest SBL Annual Meeting (2003); “Rhetorical Historiography in Luke-Acts and Josephus’ Antiquitates” SBL Annual Meeting, (2001); “Acts and the Historiography of Religion” SBL Annual Meeting (2000); “Epistemology in Qoheleth” Midwest SBL Annual Meeting (1999); “Creation of the Cosmos in Philo of Alexandria and the Wisdom of Solomon” SBL Annual Meeting (1998).
TEACHING EXPERIENCE Professor (tenured, 2009; promoted to Full Professor, 2015), Lewis University (2004-present); Lecturer, DePaul University, “The Bible: An Introduction,” (2003-04); Visiting Assistant Professor, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN, “Introduction to Religious Studies” (2002-03), “Christian Ethics” (2003); Visiting Assistant Professor, McCormick Theological Seminary, “Introduction to Greek Exegesis I & II” (1998), “Jesus and the Gospels” (2001, 2002), “Acts of the Apostles” (2001- 2002), “The Sermon on the Mount” (2002); Adjunct Professor, St. Xavier University, “Women in the Bible” (2002); “Jesus & The Gospels” (2001); Teaching Assistant, The University of Chicago, “Introduction to the New Testament” (1998).
CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION “The Rise and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries C.E.,” Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany, July 2010; “Pseudepigraphie und Verfasserfiktion in frühchristlichen Briefen,” Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany, June 2007; “Die Apostelgeschichte im Kontext antiker und frühchristlicher Historiographie,” Ludwig Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany, March 2007.
TEACHING COMPETENCE New Testament, Gospels, Paul, Apostolic Fathers, NT Apocrypha, History of Christianity (Ancient), Second Temple Judaism, Greek/Roman Religion
LANGUAGES Ancient Greek, Ancient Hebrew, Latin, Coptic, Syriac (some knowledge), German, French, Italian, Spanish, Korean (written)
PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS), Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Catholic Biblical Association (CBA), Chicago Society of Biblical Research (CSBR: President 2008—09), North American Patristics Society (NAPS), American Philological Association
SERVICES TO THE FIELD Paul J. Achtemeier Award Committee, 2015—present; General Editor (elect), Writings from the Greco-Roman World, SBL Publications, 2016—present; Editorial Board, Writings from the Greco- Roman World (Editor, Supplements), SBL Publications, 2015—2016; Section Leader “Apostolic Fathers, Apologists and the History of Early Christianity,” Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, 2015—18; Steering Committee, Inventing Christianity (SBL Consultation), 2014—present; Steering Committee, Construction of Christian Identities (SBL Seminar), 2014—present; University of Chicago Divinity School Alumni Council, 2012—present; Editor, SBL Handbook Revision Committee, 2012—present; Editor, Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law (OEBL) Project, 2011—present; Editor, Early Christianity, 2008—present; Section Leader “Pauline Reception,” Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, 2008—10; Steering Committee, Corpus Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti (SBL Group), 2004—08 and Co-chair, 2008—present; President, Midwest SBL, 2010; Vice President, Midwest SBL, 2008; Chair, “Synoptic Gospels” Session, Midwest SBL, 2003— present; President, Chicago Society of Biblical Research, 2007—08; NT Editor, annual periodical, Proceedings: Eastern Great Lakes and Midwest Biblical Societies, 2004—08.
EXTERNAL PH.D COMMITTEES Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (2016); University of Copenhagen, Denmark (2016)
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE / COMMITTEE WORK Interim Department Chair, Department of Theology, Task Force, plagiarism statement; Task Force, library renovation, Graduate Council (2 separate terms), Educational Policies Committee (2 separate terms)
REFERENCES Hans Dieter Betz (University of Chicago)
Jörg Frey (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München)
Carl R. Holladay (Emory University)
Johan Thom (University of Stellenbosch)
Adela Yarbro Collins (Yale Divinity School)
John S. Kloppenborg (University of Toronto)
OTHER Classical Cellist (Instructor: Brant Taylor, Chicago Symphony Orchestra); Yoga Instructor (RYT); Member Board of Trustees and Member Strategic Planning Commission, The New Hampton School, New Hampshire; Chair, Alumni Council, University of Chicago Divinity School